International Business

Special Drawing Rights --- Paper Gold
US Dollar
German Mark
Japanese Yen
British Pound
French Frank

IMF established in 1945

IBRD is World Bank ( 1945)
IFC ( International Finance Corporation)- 1956

GATT(General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) is now WTO ( 1995)

World Trade Organization Head Quarters is in Geneva

GATT Round I - 1947 

ADB (Asian development bank) -- Manila -- 1966
ASEAN(Association of Southeast Asian Nations)-- Jakarta -- 1967
SAARC- South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation) -- Katmandu -- 1985
OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) -- Vienna -- 1960
EU (European Union) --Brussels -- 1993
SAFTA (South Asian Free Trade Association)-- 1985-- Nepal
NAFTA(North Atlantic Free Trade Association) -- 1994 -- Mexico


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