Industrial Relations and Conflicts

Dale Yoder--- Collaboration of men and women

Trade unions
GDH Cole--- Association of workers
Dale Yoder-- Long term association

Following trade unions are important for the APSET/UGC-NET Examinations

AITUC- In 1920 started in Mumbai --- CPI
HMS(  Hind Mazdoor Sabha)--- 1948
INTUC-1948--- Conngress ( INC )
BMS-1954 --- BJP ( Dattopantji Thengdi )
CITU- 1970--- CPI-M

Indian Trade Union Act, 1926
Amendment in 1956--- 10% should be outside leadership

Breach: Any dissatisfaction
Jucius: Any discontent

Industrial Employment Act,1946--- applicable if 100 or more than 100 workers in a factory
Factories Act,1948---- Welfare officer presence required if 500 or more workers work in a factory
Industrial Disputes Act--- 1947--- Work committees should present if 100 or more workers present

Worker----- Foreman-----Supersvisor( in 48 hours)---HOD( 3 Days)---- Grievance committee---Manager
(7Days)---Committee of union and management-- Voluntary arbitration

Red hot stove rule--- Discipline

Collective bargaining - Sydney&Beatrice Webb

Industrial Conflicts:

Strike: Temporary cessation of work
Lockout: Closure of industrial undertaking because of industrial dispute,violence and loss to the properties
Layoffs: Temporary dismissals of surplus staff for a maximum of 45 days
Retrenchment: Termination of the services of a employee for any reason


Labor court
Industrial Tribunals
National Tribunals

Labor court: Judge of high court or 3 years or more years experience as District judge or Any judicial officer with 7 or more years experience

Quality Circles: Dr.Ishikawa in 1961

Deming Wheel- PDCS -- Plan Do Study Act
Kaizen- Change for the better


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