Human Resource Management

HRM Managerial Functions:
Planning, Organizing, Directing, Controlling

HRM Operative Functions:
Employment,Procurement, HRD, Maintenance, Compensation, Motivation, Human relations, Industrial relations, Integration, Emerging issues

Job design:      Engineering approach – FW Taylor
                          Human approach
                          Job characteristics approach
Job design  options

Job rotation
Job enlargement-Adding more and different tasks, Horizontal restructuring
Job enlargement/enrichment-Vertically adding new tasks : To motivate the employees Coined by F.HERGBERG
Job analysis- Methods/Techniques/Relations/Responsibilities
Job description-Duties and responsibilities/Scope and nature of work/content of job
Job specification- Qualities requires for acceptable performance ex:Education,Experience,Training
Employee specification
Human resource planning
E.W.Vetter – Current manpower----Desired manpower
Leon C.Megginson – Integrated approach
Strategic human resource planning --- > 5 years
                                Intermediate – 3 to 5 years
                                Operations- 12 months
                                Activities – Daily and weekly
Edwin B.Flippo: The process of searching for prospective employess
a)case study – analytical and decision making
b)Role play – Human relations
c)Sensitivity- Degree of openness
d)Simulations-Encountering skills
Situational test – Group discussion, in basket
360 degree performance appraisal
Job analysis: Duties, responsibilities and accountability of the job

Job Description: Job identification, job summary, Duties, Supervision, Relation with others, Working conditions, Machines,tools and materials


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