According to MARY PARKER FOLLETT Management is art of getting things done through people

George R.Terry - Planning, Organizing

Luther Gulik - Introduced the concept POSDCORB

Ernest Dale - Innovation, Representation (Words)
Managerial roles
Interpersonal ---- Leader, liasion
Decision--- Entrepreneur, Resource allocation, Negotiator
Managerial Skills:
Top level --- conceptual skills
Middle level--- Human Resource
Supervisory--- Technical skills
MBO ( Management by Objectives) is the term coined by Peter Drucker
Management Books- Authors
The practice of management - Peter Drucker
General and Industrial Management- Henry Fayol
Wealth of Nations--Adam Smith
Principles of Management-An analysis of managerial functions--- Koontz & Donnel
The theory of social and economic organization-- Max weber
FW Taylor-- Father of scientific management
( Time and Motion study, differential payment)

Henry Fayol- Father of administration  Management theory---

  1. Division of work
  2. Authority and Respnisbility
  3. Discipline
  4. Unity of command
  5. Unity of direction
  6. Subordination of individual interest to general interest
  7. Remuneration
  8. Centralization
  9. Scalar chain
  10.  Order
  11. Equity
  12. Stability of tenure of personne
  13. Initiative
  14. Esprit De Corps
Max Weber ---- Father of Bureaucracy


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