According to MARY PARKER FOLLETT Management is art of getting things done through people
George R.Terry - Planning, Organizing
Luther Gulik - Introduced the concept POSDCORB
Ernest Dale - Innovation, Representation (Words)
Managerial roles
Interpersonal ---- Leader, liasion
Decision--- Entrepreneur, Resource allocation, Negotiator
Managerial Skills:
Top level --- conceptual skills
Middle level--- Human Resource
Supervisory--- Technical skills
MBO ( Management by Objectives) is the term coined by Peter Drucker
Management Books- Authors
The practice of management - Peter Drucker
General and Industrial Management- Henry Fayol
Wealth of Nations--Adam Smith
Principles of Management-An analysis of managerial functions--- Koontz & Donnel
The theory of social and economic organization-- Max weber
FW Taylor-- Father of scientific management
( Time and Motion study, differential payment)
Henry Fayol- Father of administration Management theory---
George R.Terry - Planning, Organizing
Luther Gulik - Introduced the concept POSDCORB
Ernest Dale - Innovation, Representation (Words)
Managerial roles
Interpersonal ---- Leader, liasion
Decision--- Entrepreneur, Resource allocation, Negotiator
Managerial Skills:
Top level --- conceptual skills
Middle level--- Human Resource
Supervisory--- Technical skills
MBO ( Management by Objectives) is the term coined by Peter Drucker
Management Books- Authors
The practice of management - Peter Drucker
General and Industrial Management- Henry Fayol
Wealth of Nations--Adam Smith
Principles of Management-An analysis of managerial functions--- Koontz & Donnel
The theory of social and economic organization-- Max weber
FW Taylor-- Father of scientific management
( Time and Motion study, differential payment)
Henry Fayol- Father of administration Management theory---
- Division of work
- Authority and Respnisbility
- Discipline
- Unity of command
- Unity of direction
- Subordination of individual interest to general interest
- Remuneration
- Centralization
- Scalar chain
- Order
- Equity
- Stability of tenure of personne
- Initiative
- Esprit De Corps
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