
Showing posts from June, 2013

Informatioin Systems

High level language : Source program Machine language: Object program A compiler converts the source program into object program TPS-- Transaction Processing System MIS--Management Information System EIS--Executive Information System DSS--Decision Support System SIS-- Strategic Information System or Sales Information System HRIS-- Human Resource Information System DW-Data Warehousing BI - Business Intelligence RDBMS-- Relational Data Base Management Systems AI-Artificial Intelligence EDI--Electronic Document Interchange B2B-- Business to Business ( related to e-Commerce) B2C--Business to Consumer C2C-- Consumer to consumer B2G-- Business to Government

International Business

Special Drawing Rights --- Paper Gold US Dollar German Mark Japanese Yen British Pound French Frank IMF established in 1945 IBRD is World Bank ( 1945) IFC ( International Finance Corporation)- 1956 GATT(General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) is now WTO ( 1995) World Trade Organization Head Quarters is in Geneva GATT Round I - 1947  ADB (Asian development bank) -- Manila -- 1966 ASEAN(Association of Southeast Asian Nations)-- Jakarta -- 1967 SAARC- South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation) -- Katmandu -- 1985 OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) -- Vienna -- 1960 EU (European Union) --Brussels -- 1993 SAFTA (South Asian Free Trade Association)-- 1985-- Nepal NAFTA(North Atlantic Free Trade Association) -- 1994 -- Mexico  

Probability and sampling

Probability-- n! /(n-r)! n = objects r= time ex: 4 books - 2 rows 4!/(4-2)! = 4x3x2x1/2x1 = 12 times  

HR Job design

Job design: content of job( Duties and responsibilities) Job design: a)Job rotation b)Job enlargement: Adding more and difficult tasks-Horizontal job loading Job enrichment: Loading of job vertically Job analysis: Job and skills,Knowledge to do the job, abilities and responsibilities Job description


Capital budgeting: Payback period --- P= I/AF  I = Initial Intestment AF = Cash inflow per period ARR (Average rate of return )    Average annual income after tax and Depreciation                                                                                             ---------------------------------------------------    X 100     Average investment Net present value method:                ...


MONOPSONY: Many sellers, One buyer DUOPSONY : Many sellers, Two buyers OLIGOPSPONY: Many sellers, few buyers MONOPOLY: One seller, Many buyers DUOPOLY: Two sellers, Many buyers OLIOPOLY : Many sellers, Different products PERFECT COMPETITION or PURE COMPETITION:All firms sell identical products, All firms are price takers, All firms have relatively small market share, Freedom to entry and freedom to exit Demand curve in monopolistically competitive firm is elastic Incremental cost Opportunity cost Baumd's model of growth maximization Engel Curve: Change in quantity demanded when income of the consumer changes Law of diminishing marginal utility: As consumer consumes more and more units of a specific commodity, the utility from the successive units goes on diminishing H.Gossen, a German economist was first explain this law in 1854 Using the cardinal approach, economists assume consumers' "happiness," preferences, or utility can be expressed by some...


Value creation for stake holders Organization Behavior (OB) studies individuals and groups in organizaiton Shamrock Organization is an organizational structure where a core of essential executives and workers are supported by outside contractors and part-time help. The shamrock leaf shape is a symbolic representation of an organization with three types of workforce, having a main body and connected lobes that together form a whole. The term was invented by Irish academic and management author/philosopher Charles Handy Proxemics is a subcategory of the study of nonverbal communication along with haptics (touch), kinesics (body movement), vocalics (para language), and chronemics (structure of time). Geert Hofstede's theory of cultural dimensions describes the effects of a society's culture on the values of its members, and how these values relate to behavior, using a structure derived from factor analysis. -----------------------------------------------------...


T-Test : To test the significance between the difference of sample mean and population mean. This test is used when sample size is less than 30 Z-Test: A statistical test used to determine whether two population means are different when the variances are known and the sample size is large. The test statistic is assumed to have a normal distribution and nuisance parameters such as standard deviation should be known in order for an accurate z-test to be performed. Chi square test: Test the differences between the actual and expected frequencies in case of two attributes Queuing theory -- A.K.Erlang


NSIC - National small industries corporation - 1951 IFCI - 1948 IDBI - 1964 ICICI - 1955 NABARD- 1981 SIDBI- 1990 LIC- 1956 EXIM BANK - 1982 KVIC- 1956 MRTP Act 1969 FEMA Act 2000 Negotiable instruments act - 1881 SEBI Act - 1956 Sale of goods act - 1930 Indian Contract act - 1872  MSME Act: Manufacturing: Micro- <=25 lakhs   Small- 5 crore  Medium-10 crore Service             : Micro <=10 lakhs     Small- 2 crore  Medium - 5 crore  


Production concept Product concept Sales concept Marketing concept 7 p's: PRODUCT    PLACE    PRICE     PROMOTION      PEOPLE          PROCESS      PHYSICAL EVIDENCE 4p's coined by : Jerome McCarthy in 1960 MARKETING MYOPIA Term is coined by THEODORE LEVITT Buying behavior models--- Economical, learning, psychoanalytical, sociological, Nicosia, Howard-Sheth models Demand forecasting: Statistical: ----------- Simple projection Extrapolation Moving averages Exponential Time series Regression Complex econometric methods PRODUCT MIX: All products Width of product mix is equal to total no of product lines Product width: Total no. of product lines Product line depth: No of product variants in a line Product length: Total no. of products sold in all product lines Product line stretching: Stretching down / stretching up Line filling: Add ne...

Production and Operations Management

Break even point = Fixed cost  / Selling price-Variable Cost DFA-Design for assembly Layout: Process layout: Similar machines & services are located together Product layout Fixed position layout CRAFT-Computerized Relative Allocation of Facilities Techniques ALDEP-Automated Layout Design Program EOQ= Square root of (2 x ordering cost x no of units/Carrying cost) ABC Analysis based on demand Material   Consumption value 10%         70% 20%         20% 70%         10% Aggregate planning: Graphical method/Heuristic method/Transportation method/Linear programming MPS-Master Production Schedule-- Productwise MRP - Material Requirement Planning(Quantity and Time for acquiring the required items) MRP Inputs---- BOM(Bill of items), MPS(Master production schedule),EOQ(Economic Order Quantity) Lot sizing-- Minimum order quantity MR...


Ethics from Greek language-Source of character It is normative-- With judgements Sources of ethics ------------------ Genetic inheritance Religion Philosophical systems-- Epicure-Pleasure, Stoic-pain The legal system Codes of conduct Types--- Transactional ethics Participatory ethics Recognitional ethics Carol Gilligan's theory/model Values--- Norms--Expectations of proper behavior Beliefs--Ethical code are standards of thought Theories -------------- Traditional Utilitarianism -- John Stuart Mill, Jeremy Benthams Deontology--Action-Moral rights ( Inheritance in the action ) Greatest happiness principle- Jeremy Bentham Deon means Duty -- Kantianism Immanuel Kant-- Categorical imperative Aristotle's Nicomachien ethics (virtue ethics) Deontology-----Some actions are always wrong Utilitarianism-Right/wrong depends on consequence Aristotle--- Concept virtue Ends-means ethics of Niccolo Machiavelli Might-Equals-Right approach Karl Marx ------...

Corporate strategies

Corporate strategy--- corporate strategy The generic alternatives: Stability Expansion Divestment Combination Strategy alternatives Stability Expansion---Intensification(Market penetration,Market development,Product development), Diversification(Vertically integrated-Forward,Backward,Concentric diversification,Conglomerate diversification) Divestment Combination Retrenchment--Turnaround,Disinvestment,Liquidation ------------------ Generic competitive/Business unit strategies Overall cost leadership Differentiation Focus

Strategic management

Igor Ansoff--- Corporate strategy Kenneth Andrews-- The concept of corporate strategy Peter Drucker--- The practice of management Theodore Levitt--- The marketing imagination Alfred Chandler-- Strategy and Structure ------------------------------- Strategic planning Clarify mission Define business Environmental surveying ( OTP - Opportunity threat profile) Internal appraisal firm-- CAP - Competitive advantage profile/SBU- Strategic business unit Setting corporate objectives Formulating- Strategy-- Generic/Grand strategies Monitoring strategy ----------------- Mission- Shared purpose of the corporation(Values,beliefs),Direction ----------- Macro environment--- Demographic, sociocultural,economic,political,natural,technology,legal,government policies Business environment-- Market/demand,consumer,industry,competition,government,suppliers --------------------------------- Markets-- Fragmented Emerging Transition--Maturity Declining Global -------------------- In...


Departmentalization based on: Functions Products Customers Regional/Territory Divisional(Multi product) Process Combined--Matrix ---------------- Virtual organization Task force-- Temporary group Organization structure--- strategy-- Alfred D.Chandler Groups -------- Forming-- Storming--- Norming--Performing ( Different stages of group formation) --------------------- Skinner's behavior modification theory--- Motivation ----------- Theory Z -- Willium G.Ouchi Contingency leadership -------------------------- Robert J.House's model---- Path goal theory Fiedler's model--- Situational favourableness Hersey and Blanchard --- Four stage CONTROLLING: Budgets Standard costing Ratio analysis ROI BE Analysis Audit 

Management theories

Classical --- Scientific, Administrative, Bureaucracy Neo classical--  Human relations--- Elton Mayo--- The human problems of an industrial civilization                               Illumination experiments, Relay assembly test room, Interviewing program,                                          Banking wiring observation room Behavioral approach Books --- Abraham Maslow--- Motivation and personality                  Douglas Mc.Gregor---- The human side of enterprise Modern Approach: Quantitative System--- Herbert Simons Contingency approach ...


According to MARY PARKER FOLLETT Management is art of getting things done through people George R.Terry - Planning, Organizing Luther Gulik - Introduced the concept POSDCORB Ernest Dale - Innovation, Representation (Words) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Managerial roles Interpersonal ---- Leader, liasion Information Decision--- Entrepreneur, Resource allocation, Negotiator ---------------------- Managerial Skills: Top level --- conceptual skills Middle level--- Human Resource Supervisory--- Technical skills -------------------------- MBO ( Management by Objectives) is the term coined by Peter Drucker ------------------------ Management Books- Authors The practice of management - Peter Drucker General and Industrial Management- Henry Fayol Wealth of Nations--Adam Smith Principles of Management-An analysis of managerial functions--- Koontz & Donnel The theory of social and economic organization-- Max weber  -----...

Industrial Acts

Workmen compensation act - 1984 ESI  - 1984 Gratuity amendment - 1984 Payment of wages act - 1938 Factories act - 1948 PF- 1952 Maternity Benefit Act-1961 Industrial dispute-1947 Workers pesnion-1959 Trade union act -1926 Amended in 1956 Industrial employment act-1946 Bonus act- 1965 VERY IMPORTANT POINTS FOR THE EXAMINATION: According to factories act, 1948 If 30 women workers creche facility has to be provided If 500 workers are working a WELFARE OFFICER is required to appoint If 1000 or more workers are working , a SAFETY OFFICER is required to appoint If 150 workers are working REST ROOMS/SHELTERS, LUNCH ROOM, DRINKING WATER required to be provided  

Industrial Relations and Conflicts

Dale Yoder- -- Collaboration of men and women Trade unions GDH Cole--- Association of workers Dale Yoder-- Long term association Following trade unions are important for the APSET/UGC-NET Examinations AITUC- In 1920 started in Mumbai --- CPI HMS(  Hind Mazdoor Sabha)--- 1948 INTUC-1948--- Conngress ( INC ) BMS-1954 --- BJP ( Dattopantji Thengdi ) CITU- 1970--- CPI-M Indian Trade Union Act, 1926 Amendment in 1956 --- 10% should be outside leadership Grievance: Breach: Any dissatisfaction Jucius: Any discontent I ndustrial Employment Act,1946 --- applicable if 100 or more than 100 workers in a factory Factories Act,1948 ---- Welfare officer presence required if 500 or more workers work in a factory Industrial Disputes Act --- 1947--- Work committees should present if 100 or more workers present Worker----- Foreman-----Supersvisor( in 48 hours)---HOD( 3 Days)---- Grievance committee---Manager (7Days)---Committee of union and management-- Voluntary arbitratio...