Question Bank 10

26. The management of personnel is also called:
(a) Staffing
(b) Controlling
(c) Co-coordinating
(d) None of the above
Ans. (a)
27. Common uses of information generated via performance appraisal include all of the following except:
(a) Administrative/personal decisions.
(b) Organizational training and development programme.
(c) Input to job content evaluation.
(d) Feedback to individual’s performance.
Ans. (c)
28. Successful career planning and development requires action from:
(a) The organization, his employee’s immediate manager, and the employee.
(b) The employee and his/her immediate manager.
(c) A variety of sources both internal and external to the organization:
(d) The employee with some assistance! guidance from his or her immediate manager.
Ans. (a)
29. A frequently used method for determining training needs involves:
(a) In-depth interviews of randomly selected employees.
(b) Group discussions with employee groups.
(c) Individual skill assessment by supervisor.
(d) Observation analyses conducted by training. experts
Ans. (c)
30. The ultimate goal of OD is to:
(a) Structure the organizational environment so that managers and employers can use their developed skills and abilities to the fullest.
(b) Reduce the levels of uncertainty in managerial decision making throughout the organization.
(c) Create an internal environment which is conducive to self expression.
(d) Change the traditional relationship between the supervisors and subordinates.
Ans. (a)
31. Incentives gives on psychological base:
(a) Are not financial
(b) Monetary and non-monetary
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
Ans. (a)
32. Dorwin Cartwright and Alvin Zander identified the following two variables:
(i) Employee-oriented
(ii) Production-oriented
(iii) Goal-oriented
(iv) Group-oriented
The Correct Code is:
(a) (i) and (ii)
(b) (ii) and (iii)
(c) (iii) and (iv)
(d) (i) and (iv)
Ans. (c)
33. In line organization:
(a) The organization is divided according to the skill required to perform a work.
(b) The organizational is divided according to the type of work involve.
(c) The authority flows from the man at the top to the lowest man vertically.
(d) Each worker serves a number of supervisors.
Ans. (c)
34. Letter of credit is now becoming an increasingly popular method of financing:
(a) Fixed capital needs
(b) Working capital needs
(c) Redemption of debentures
(d) Distribution of dividend
Ans. (b)
35. In which of the following types of insurance should insurable interest be present only at the time when policy is taken?
(a) Fire Insurance
(b) Life Insurance
(c) Marine Insurance
(d) Life & Marine Insurance
Ans. (b)
36. The agreement of partnership:
(a) must be oral
(b) must be in writing
(c) can be either oral or in writing
(d) must be in writing on a stamp paper
Ans. (c)
37. The first Stock Exchange was set up in India in:
(a) 1887
(b) 1905
(c) 1908
(d) 1923
Ans. (a)
38. Working capital can be used for the purchase of:
(a) Machinery
(b) Goodwill
(c) Land & Building
(d) Raw. Material
Ans. (d)
39. In which of the following, rate of interest/dividend is not fixed?
(a) Equity Capital
(b) Debentures
(c) Preference Capital
(d) Public deposits
Ans. (a)
40. When an existing company offers its shares for sale to the existing shareholders, it is known as:
(a) Private placing
(b) Bonus issue
(c) Rights issue
(d) Offer for sale
Ans. (c)
41. Which of the following speculative activities is based on disparity in quote prices in
different markets?
(a) Option dealings
(b) Arbitrage
(c) Margin trading
(d) Blank Transfers
Ans. (b)
42. Motivational process and not the motivators as such is associated. with the:
(a) Need hierarchy theory
(b) Two-factor theory
(c) ERG theory
(d) Expectancy theory
Ans. (d)
43. “Perceived equity in reward results in satisfaction”, which one of the following motivation theories take this into account?
(a) Porter and Lowler model
(b) Victor Vroom’s Expectancy scheme.
(c) F. W. Taylor’s incentive scheme
(d) Hertzberg’s Two-factor theory
Ans. (a)
44. It for a demand process suited to a = 0.1 we try to fit a forecasting procedure with
a = 0.3, the forecast will:
(a) Show large swings up and down
(b) Follow the demand better, consequently reducing forecast errors
(c) Show a pronounced leveled behaviour
(d) None of the above
Ans. (a)
45. When work stations are arranged according to the progressive steps by which the product is produced, it is called a:
(a) Functional layout
(b) Process layout
(c) Fixed position layout
(d) Product layout
Ans. (d)
46. Process layout offers the advantage of:
(a) Adaptability to changes
(b) Better job satisfaction for the workers
(c) Higher flow times
(d) Both (a) and (b)
Ans. (d)
47. A line layout generally provides the advantages of:
(a) Simple tasks that can be done with less skilled manpower.
(b) Lower levels of work-in-process inventories.
(c) Lower materials handling casts.
(d) All of the above
Ans. (d)
48. The Price index that uses base year quantities as weights is called:
(a) Passche’s index
(b) Laspe yere’s index
(c) Fisher’s ideal index
(d) Whole sale price index
Ans. (b)
49. SEBI was established in:
(a) 1993
(b) 1992
(c) 1988
(d) 1990
Ans. (c)
50. National Sample Survey (NSS) was established in:
(a) 1950
(b) 1951
(c) 1952
(d) 1947
Ans. (a)


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