UGC NET Management June 2011
1. In the case of an inferior commodity,
the income elasticity of demand is--C
(A) Positive (B) Unitary
(C) Negative (D) Infinity
2. The slope of the iso-cost line
determined by--A
(A)Prices of the two factors
(B) Productivity of the two
(C)Degree of substitutability of
the two factors
(D) None of these
3. Which one of the following
statements is correct or more
nearly correct ? ---D
(A) An increase in the price of
commodity represents a fall
in its value
(B) Value has nothing to
with the price
(C)If the price of a commodity
falls, its value relative
other goods does not change
(D) The price of a good is
value measured in terms of
4. The important macro-economic
aggregates are ---D
(A) Aggregate Consumption
(B) Gross Domestic Capital
(C) Gross Domestic Savings
and GNP
(D) All of the above
5. Match the following --- B
List – I List – II
I. For a given 10 per 1. e > 1
cent change in
price, demand
changes by zero per
II. For a given 10 per 2. e = 1
cent change in
price, demand
changes by 5 per
III. For a given 10 per 3. e < 1
cent change in
price demand
changes by 10 per
IV. For a given 10 per 4. e = 0
cent change in
price, demand
changes by 20 per
Code :
(A) 3 1 2 4
(B) 4 3 2 1
(C) 1 2 3 4
(D) 2 3 1 4
6. Long – lasting beliefs about what
is important in a variety of
situations, that guide our decisions
and actions are : ---A
(A) values
(B) ethical dimensions
(C) priorities
(D) desires
7. Figure – Ground Theory explains
the process of ---C
(A) Cognition (B) Sensation
(C) Perception (D) Motivation
8. Successive re-inforcements
resulting in desired behaviour are---D
(A) mentoring
(B) motivation
(C) shaping
(D) behaviour-modification
9. Psychological contract is related to---
(A) job – person fit
(B) role – person fit
(C) organisation – person fit
(D) none of the above
10. Equity is called as
(A) equality of all
(B) standard performance
(C) comparative sense of justice to self
(D)none of the above
11. The distinction between ‘job
enrichment’ and ‘job enlargement’
is --- B
(A) semantics
(B) ‘job enrichment’ is vertical
loading while ‘job
enlargement’ is horizontal
(C) ‘job enrichment’ is the
outgrowth of Hertzberg’s
theory while ‘job
enlargement’ is of
Maslow’s orientation.
(D)‘job enrichment’ is more for
the individual and the other
is more of organisation
12. In ‘delegation’ --- B
(A) Only authority is delegated
not responsibility
(B) Both authority and
responsibility are delegated
(C) Only responsibility is
delegated, not authority
(D) Neither responsibility, nor
authority is delegated
(13)Cross-functional groups that
operate across space, time and
organisational boundaries with
members who communicate
mainly through information
technologies are---B
(A) telecomputers
(B) virtual teams
(C) teleworkers
(D) telemarketers
14. Career resilience means -- B
(A)Ability to switch careers
(B)Ability to remain with same
competencies refining
suitably for organizations
(C) Lack of capacity to remain
in career
(D)None of the above
15. Lock out means ---B
(A)An antithesis of strike
(B) Refusal to employ any
person in employment
(C) the temporary closing of a
place of employment
(D) Illegal strike
16. Which is the task of a finance
manager ?--- D
(A) Investment decision
(B) Dividend decision
(C) Management of income
(D)All of the above
17.Which method of capital budgeting focuses on liquidity of a project ?---C
(A) Net present value
(B) Profitability index
(C) Payback period
(D)Internal rate of returns
18.Which statement is true about deep
discount bonds ?---C
(A)These are in the form of low
interest bonds
(B) These bonds are sold at a discounted value and on
maturity face value of the bond is paid to the investors
(C)There is no interest payout
during lock-in period
(D)None of the above
19. Financial leverage is
(A) Sales 100
(C) Sales
Fixed Assets
(D) Sales Capital
20. Match the following ------- C
List–I (items / List – II (used
method) / Application)
I. Rate of 1. Capital
return budgeting
II. Purchase 2. Merger
III. Diminishing 3. Depreciation
IV. Fifo 4. Stock
Method valuation
Code :
(A) 1 3 2 4
(B) 3 2 4 1
(C) 1 2 3 4
(D) 1 4 3 2
21. Arrange the following steps of a
five-stage model of the consumer
buying process : ---- D
I. Evaluation of Alternatives
II. Need Arousal
III. Information search
IV. Purchase Decision
V. Post Purchase behaviour
(A) IV, II, III, I, V
(B) III, II, I, IV, V
(C) I, II, IV, III, V
(D) II, III, I, IV, V
22. It refers to the total number of items in the Product Mix. It is known as following. --- B
(A) The width of product mix
(B) The length of product mix
(C) The depth of product mix
(D) The consistency of product mix
23. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A), and the other labelled as Reason (R). State the correct answer from code given below. ---
Assertion (A) : Pure-click companies can be search engines, Internet service providers, commerce sites, transaction sites, content sites and enabler sites.
Reason (R): Pure-click
companies are those
companies that have
launched a website without any previous existence as a firm.
Code :
(A) (A) is correct, but (R) is wrong.
(B) Both (A) and (R) are correct.
(C) (A) is wrong, but (R) is correct.
(D) Both (A) and (R) are wrong
24. Match List-I and List-II.
List – I List – II
(Characteristics (Marketing
of Services) Strategy applied
considering a
characteristic of
I. Intangibility 1. Preparing a
service blue
print showing
each service
and process in
a flow chart.
II. Inseparability 2. Tangiblize the
III. Variability 3. To train more
providers and
build up client
IV. Perishability 4. Use differential
Code :
(A) 2 1 3 4
(B) 2 3 1 4
(C) 1 3 2 4
(D) 2 1 4 3
25. A diverse collection of incentive tools designed to stimulate quicker buying of a particular product or service by consumers or the trade is known as --- D
(A) Advertising
(B) Personal selling
(C) Publicity
(D) Sales promotion
26. Which of the following departments is not directly affected by the facilities location decision ? ---- D
(A) Production / operations
(B) Marketing
(C) Personnel
(D) Finance
27. Ship building and construction of
dams and bridges are typical
examples of ---- A
(A) Fixed position layout
(B) Functional layout
(C) Product layout
(D) Project type layout
28. If unit item cost = Rs. 10, monthly
carrying charge = 3 per cent,
monthly demand = 100 units and
ordering cost = Rs. 20 per order,
the EOQ is :----
(A) 11.45
(B) 400
(C) 115.4
(D) 33.3
29. In managing a project, a network is
better suited than Gantt chart
because --- C
(A) It can be updated more
(B) It clearly brings out the
interdependencies between
the different activities
(C)Both (A) and (B)
(D)None of the above
(30)The aggregate production plan
spans ---- C
(A) Short time horizon
(B) Intermediate time horizon
(C) Long time horizon
(D) None of the above
31. The probability that a
will get a plumbing contract is 3
and that he will get an electric
contract is 9 . If the probability of
his getting at least one of the two
contracts is 5 , then the probability
that he will get both contracts is
(A) 10/45
(B) 8/27
(C) 14/45
(D) 26/45
32. If a random variable X follows
Poisson distribution such that
P(X = 1) = P(X = 2), then the mean
of the distribution is
(A) 1 (B) 2
(C) 3 (D) 4
33. The value of R1.23 lies between
(A) –1 and +1
(B) –1 and 0.0
(C) 0.0 and +1
(D) – 0.5 and + 0.5
34. A source programme is --- C
(A) a programme written in
machine language
(B) a programme to be
translated into machine
(C) the machine language
translation of a programme
written in high-level
(D) none of the above
35. Processing data in groups collected over periods of time is known as --- B
(A) Time - sharing
(B) Batch processing
(C) Real – time processing
(D) Multi – processing
36. “We must forget to learn and learn forgetting” is ascribed to
(A) Tom Peters
(B) Peter F. Drucker
(C) Abraham S. Maslow
(D) Garry Hamel
37. In highly competitive environment an organization to achieve sustained success should be --- C
(A) Better
(B) Bigger
(C) Resilient
(D) None of the above
38. Corporate governance is about
(A) Crafting the strategy
(B) Compliance with regulatory regime
(C) Satisfying the stakeholders
(D) governing the company in the interest of government in power
39. Strategic planning is about
(A) Strategic thinking
(B) Strategic programming
(C) Tactical Planning
(D) Portfolio Planning
40. If two or more companies are merged and only one of them survives while others loose their independent entity, it is referred to as ---
(A) Merger
(B) Absorption
(C) Amalgamation
(D) Combination
41. The MSMED Act, 2006 classified enterprises broadly into --B
(A) Two categories
(i) Manufacturing enterprises and
(ii) Service enterprises
(B) Three categories
(i) Micro enterprises
(ii) Small enterprises
(iii) Medium enterprises
(C) Four categories
(i) Micro enterprises
(ii) Small enterprises
(iii) Tiny enterprises
(iv) Medium enterprises
(D) Four categories
(i) Tiny enterprises
(ii) Micro enterprises
(iii) Small business enterprises
(iv) Medium enterprises
42. Which sector is called as Primary Sector in India ? ---D
(A) Industrial sector
(B) Service sector
(C) External sector
(D) Agricultural sector
43. How many times the census of registered Micro, small and medium Enterprises (MSMEs) have been made by Small Industries Development Organisation (SIDO) ?
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
44. EDII is situated at
(A) New Delhi
(B) Ahmedabad
(C) Patna
(D) Kolkata
45. Industrial Policy of which year contained for the very first time a special thrust on measures for promoting and strengthening small tiny and village enterprises
(A) 1956
(B) 1991
(C) 1948
(D) 1977
46. Members of organizations are increasingly finding themselves facing situations in which they are required to define right and wrong conduct. It is most aptly called as following
(A) Environmental issues of ethics
(B) Social responsibilities of business
(C) Corporate governance & ethics
(D) Ethical Dilemmas of business
47. Situations in which individuals are required to define right and wrong conduct to be complied with are called as following
(A) Ethical climate
(B) Ethical dilemmas
(C) Code of Ethics
(D) None of the above
48. Arrange the following steps of a simple ethics programme
I. Walk the talk
II. Size up your company’s current ethics
III. Train your people
IV. Solicit feedback from your employees
V. Create a code of conduct
Code :
(A) V, I, IV, II, III
(B) II, V, IV, III, I
(C) II, V, III, IV, I
(D) II, IV, III, II, I
49. Who is involved in ‘Shoplifting’ from the following ? --- C
(A) Producer
(B) Seller
(C) Consumer & or a customer
(D) None of the above
50. Match List-I with List-II.
List – I List – II
(Ethical Issue) (Stakeholder
I. Unsafe working 1. Customers conditions
II. Product safety 2. Society
III. Environmental 3. Employees Pollution
IV. Following local 4. Host
laws Country
Code :
(A) 2 4 3 1
(B) 3 1 2 4
(C) 1 3 4 2
(D) 3 2 1 4
the income elasticity of demand is--C
(A) Positive (B) Unitary
(C) Negative (D) Infinity
2. The slope of the iso-cost line
determined by--A
(A)Prices of the two factors
(B) Productivity of the two
(C)Degree of substitutability of
the two factors
(D) None of these
3. Which one of the following
statements is correct or more
nearly correct ? ---D
(A) An increase in the price of
commodity represents a fall
in its value
(B) Value has nothing to
with the price
(C)If the price of a commodity
falls, its value relative
other goods does not change
(D) The price of a good is
value measured in terms of
4. The important macro-economic
aggregates are ---D
(A) Aggregate Consumption
(B) Gross Domestic Capital
(C) Gross Domestic Savings
and GNP
(D) All of the above
5. Match the following --- B
List – I List – II
I. For a given 10 per 1. e > 1
cent change in
price, demand
changes by zero per
II. For a given 10 per 2. e = 1
cent change in
price, demand
changes by 5 per
III. For a given 10 per 3. e < 1
cent change in
price demand
changes by 10 per
IV. For a given 10 per 4. e = 0
cent change in
price, demand
changes by 20 per
Code :
(A) 3 1 2 4
(B) 4 3 2 1
(C) 1 2 3 4
(D) 2 3 1 4
6. Long – lasting beliefs about what
is important in a variety of
situations, that guide our decisions
and actions are : ---A
(A) values
(B) ethical dimensions
(C) priorities
(D) desires
7. Figure – Ground Theory explains
the process of ---C
(A) Cognition (B) Sensation
(C) Perception (D) Motivation
8. Successive re-inforcements
resulting in desired behaviour are---D
(A) mentoring
(B) motivation
(C) shaping
(D) behaviour-modification
9. Psychological contract is related to---
(A) job – person fit
(B) role – person fit
(C) organisation – person fit
(D) none of the above
10. Equity is called as
(A) equality of all
(B) standard performance
(C) comparative sense of justice to self
(D)none of the above
11. The distinction between ‘job
enrichment’ and ‘job enlargement’
is --- B
(A) semantics
(B) ‘job enrichment’ is vertical
loading while ‘job
enlargement’ is horizontal
(C) ‘job enrichment’ is the
outgrowth of Hertzberg’s
theory while ‘job
enlargement’ is of
Maslow’s orientation.
(D)‘job enrichment’ is more for
the individual and the other
is more of organisation
12. In ‘delegation’ --- B
(A) Only authority is delegated
not responsibility
(B) Both authority and
responsibility are delegated
(C) Only responsibility is
delegated, not authority
(D) Neither responsibility, nor
authority is delegated
(13)Cross-functional groups that
operate across space, time and
organisational boundaries with
members who communicate
mainly through information
technologies are---B
(A) telecomputers
(B) virtual teams
(C) teleworkers
(D) telemarketers
14. Career resilience means -- B
(A)Ability to switch careers
(B)Ability to remain with same
competencies refining
suitably for organizations
(C) Lack of capacity to remain
in career
(D)None of the above
15. Lock out means ---B
(A)An antithesis of strike
(B) Refusal to employ any
person in employment
(C) the temporary closing of a
place of employment
(D) Illegal strike
16. Which is the task of a finance
manager ?--- D
(A) Investment decision
(B) Dividend decision
(C) Management of income
(D)All of the above
17.Which method of capital budgeting focuses on liquidity of a project ?---C
(A) Net present value
(B) Profitability index
(C) Payback period
(D)Internal rate of returns
18.Which statement is true about deep
discount bonds ?---C
(A)These are in the form of low
interest bonds
(B) These bonds are sold at a discounted value and on
maturity face value of the bond is paid to the investors
(C)There is no interest payout
during lock-in period
(D)None of the above
19. Financial leverage is
(A) Sales 100
(C) Sales
Fixed Assets
(D) Sales Capital
20. Match the following ------- C
List–I (items / List – II (used
method) / Application)
I. Rate of 1. Capital
return budgeting
II. Purchase 2. Merger
III. Diminishing 3. Depreciation
IV. Fifo 4. Stock
Method valuation
Code :
(A) 1 3 2 4
(B) 3 2 4 1
(C) 1 2 3 4
(D) 1 4 3 2
21. Arrange the following steps of a
five-stage model of the consumer
buying process : ---- D
I. Evaluation of Alternatives
II. Need Arousal
III. Information search
IV. Purchase Decision
V. Post Purchase behaviour
(A) IV, II, III, I, V
(B) III, II, I, IV, V
(C) I, II, IV, III, V
(D) II, III, I, IV, V
22. It refers to the total number of items in the Product Mix. It is known as following. --- B
(A) The width of product mix
(B) The length of product mix
(C) The depth of product mix
(D) The consistency of product mix
23. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A), and the other labelled as Reason (R). State the correct answer from code given below. ---
Assertion (A) : Pure-click companies can be search engines, Internet service providers, commerce sites, transaction sites, content sites and enabler sites.
Reason (R): Pure-click
companies are those
companies that have
launched a website without any previous existence as a firm.
Code :
(A) (A) is correct, but (R) is wrong.
(B) Both (A) and (R) are correct.
(C) (A) is wrong, but (R) is correct.
(D) Both (A) and (R) are wrong
24. Match List-I and List-II.
List – I List – II
(Characteristics (Marketing
of Services) Strategy applied
considering a
characteristic of
I. Intangibility 1. Preparing a
service blue
print showing
each service
and process in
a flow chart.
II. Inseparability 2. Tangiblize the
III. Variability 3. To train more
providers and
build up client
IV. Perishability 4. Use differential
Code :
(A) 2 1 3 4
(B) 2 3 1 4
(C) 1 3 2 4
(D) 2 1 4 3
25. A diverse collection of incentive tools designed to stimulate quicker buying of a particular product or service by consumers or the trade is known as --- D
(A) Advertising
(B) Personal selling
(C) Publicity
(D) Sales promotion
26. Which of the following departments is not directly affected by the facilities location decision ? ---- D
(A) Production / operations
(B) Marketing
(C) Personnel
(D) Finance
27. Ship building and construction of
dams and bridges are typical
examples of ---- A
(A) Fixed position layout
(B) Functional layout
(C) Product layout
(D) Project type layout
28. If unit item cost = Rs. 10, monthly
carrying charge = 3 per cent,
monthly demand = 100 units and
ordering cost = Rs. 20 per order,
the EOQ is :----
(A) 11.45
(B) 400
(C) 115.4
(D) 33.3
29. In managing a project, a network is
better suited than Gantt chart
because --- C
(A) It can be updated more
(B) It clearly brings out the
interdependencies between
the different activities
(C)Both (A) and (B)
(D)None of the above
(30)The aggregate production plan
spans ---- C
(A) Short time horizon
(B) Intermediate time horizon
(C) Long time horizon
(D) None of the above
31. The probability that a
will get a plumbing contract is 3
and that he will get an electric
contract is 9 . If the probability of
his getting at least one of the two
contracts is 5 , then the probability
that he will get both contracts is
(A) 10/45
(B) 8/27
(C) 14/45
(D) 26/45
32. If a random variable X follows
Poisson distribution such that
P(X = 1) = P(X = 2), then the mean
of the distribution is
(A) 1 (B) 2
(C) 3 (D) 4
33. The value of R1.23 lies between
(A) –1 and +1
(B) –1 and 0.0
(C) 0.0 and +1
(D) – 0.5 and + 0.5
34. A source programme is --- C
(A) a programme written in
machine language
(B) a programme to be
translated into machine
(C) the machine language
translation of a programme
written in high-level
(D) none of the above
35. Processing data in groups collected over periods of time is known as --- B
(A) Time - sharing
(B) Batch processing
(C) Real – time processing
(D) Multi – processing
36. “We must forget to learn and learn forgetting” is ascribed to
(A) Tom Peters
(B) Peter F. Drucker
(C) Abraham S. Maslow
(D) Garry Hamel
37. In highly competitive environment an organization to achieve sustained success should be --- C
(A) Better
(B) Bigger
(C) Resilient
(D) None of the above
38. Corporate governance is about
(A) Crafting the strategy
(B) Compliance with regulatory regime
(C) Satisfying the stakeholders
(D) governing the company in the interest of government in power
39. Strategic planning is about
(A) Strategic thinking
(B) Strategic programming
(C) Tactical Planning
(D) Portfolio Planning
40. If two or more companies are merged and only one of them survives while others loose their independent entity, it is referred to as ---
(A) Merger
(B) Absorption
(C) Amalgamation
(D) Combination
41. The MSMED Act, 2006 classified enterprises broadly into --B
(A) Two categories
(i) Manufacturing enterprises and
(ii) Service enterprises
(B) Three categories
(i) Micro enterprises
(ii) Small enterprises
(iii) Medium enterprises
(C) Four categories
(i) Micro enterprises
(ii) Small enterprises
(iii) Tiny enterprises
(iv) Medium enterprises
(D) Four categories
(i) Tiny enterprises
(ii) Micro enterprises
(iii) Small business enterprises
(iv) Medium enterprises
42. Which sector is called as Primary Sector in India ? ---D
(A) Industrial sector
(B) Service sector
(C) External sector
(D) Agricultural sector
43. How many times the census of registered Micro, small and medium Enterprises (MSMEs) have been made by Small Industries Development Organisation (SIDO) ?
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
44. EDII is situated at
(A) New Delhi
(B) Ahmedabad
(C) Patna
(D) Kolkata
45. Industrial Policy of which year contained for the very first time a special thrust on measures for promoting and strengthening small tiny and village enterprises
(A) 1956
(B) 1991
(C) 1948
(D) 1977
46. Members of organizations are increasingly finding themselves facing situations in which they are required to define right and wrong conduct. It is most aptly called as following
(A) Environmental issues of ethics
(B) Social responsibilities of business
(C) Corporate governance & ethics
(D) Ethical Dilemmas of business
47. Situations in which individuals are required to define right and wrong conduct to be complied with are called as following
(A) Ethical climate
(B) Ethical dilemmas
(C) Code of Ethics
(D) None of the above
48. Arrange the following steps of a simple ethics programme
I. Walk the talk
II. Size up your company’s current ethics
III. Train your people
IV. Solicit feedback from your employees
V. Create a code of conduct
Code :
(A) V, I, IV, II, III
(B) II, V, IV, III, I
(C) II, V, III, IV, I
(D) II, IV, III, II, I
49. Who is involved in ‘Shoplifting’ from the following ? --- C
(A) Producer
(B) Seller
(C) Consumer & or a customer
(D) None of the above
50. Match List-I with List-II.
List – I List – II
(Ethical Issue) (Stakeholder
I. Unsafe working 1. Customers conditions
II. Product safety 2. Society
III. Environmental 3. Employees Pollution
IV. Following local 4. Host
laws Country
Code :
(A) 2 4 3 1
(B) 3 1 2 4
(C) 1 3 4 2
(D) 3 2 1 4
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