UGC NET Management Dec 2011
1. Consider a demand curve which takes
the form of a straight-line cutting both axes. Elasticity at the
mid-point of the line would be ---A
(A) 0
(B) 1.0
(C) 1.5
(D) 2.0
2. Price taker firms
(A) Advertise to increase the demand for their product
(B) Do not advertise, because most advertising is wasteful.
(C) Do not advertise because they can sell as much as they want at the current price.
(D) Who advertise will get more profits than those who do not.
3. OPEC is an example of the type
of producer’s organisation known as a
(A) Marketing Board
(B) Producer’s Co-operative
(C) Trust
(D) Cartel
4. Match the following : ----D
List – I List – II
I. Responsiveness 1. Income
of demand to elasticity
change in price of demand
II. Responsiveness 2. Price
of demand to elasticity
change in tastes of demand
III. Responsiveness 3. Cross
of demand to elasticity
change in of demand
IV. Responsiveness 4. Taste
of demand to elasticity
change in price of demand
of related goods
Codes :
(A) 1 2 3 4
(B) 4 3 1 2
(C) 3 4 2 1
(D) 2 4 1 3
5. Opportunity costs are also known as ---C
(A) Spill-over costs
(B) Money costs
(C) Alternative costs
(D) Sunk costs
6. Employees with high self-esteem set --
(A) higher goals for others
(B) higher goals for themselves and lower goals for others
(C) higher goals for themselves
(D) None of the above
7. Need for achievement goes with ---D
(A) F.W. Taylor
(B) Hertzberg
(C) McGregor
(D) McClelland
8. An organizational memory includes the following except
(A) Information that employees possess
(B) Knowledge embedded in the organisation’s systems and structures
(C) Documents
(D) Knowledge that is not documented
9. People should be held accountable for their own behaviour, and if holding people accountable for their own behaviour entails capital punishment, then so be it. However, no person should be held accountable for behaviour of others over which he or she had no control.
Which of the following is the most logical conclusion of the argument above ?
(A) People should not be held accountable for the behaviour of other people.
(B) People have control over their behaviour.
(C) People cannot control the behaviour of other people.
(D) Behaviour that cannot be controlled should not be punished.
10. Nominal group technique is
(A) a consensus planning tool, generally used by groups to discuss, debate and decide on issues of strength-identification, problems and solutions.
(B) a consensus planning tool to arrive at decisions on issues, for instance man-power requirement, by involving group of experts through blind rounds of communication
(C) a majority based decision making tool
(D) None of the above
11. Which pattern reflects a pure executive form of management ? --B
(A) Functional
(B) Line
(C) Line and Staff
(D) Committee
12. “A place for everything, everything in its place” is
(A) American Management
(B) 5s Practice
(C) Peter Principle
(D) A Chinese Practice
13. ‘Appreciative Enquiry’ is
(A) Psychological Theory
(B) Training Method
(C) Business etiquette
(D) HR Quality
14. Robert Keplan is associated with --B
(A) A Benchmark Practice
(B) Balanced Score Card
(C) Kaizen
(D) Quality of Life
15. Strategic Intent of an Organization should clearly spell out ---D
(A) Who we are
(B) Where are we going in the long term
(C) How will we measure the performance
(D) All of the above
16. In an endeavour to maximize corporate value, a finance manager has to factor in the following
(A) Optimization Principle
(B) Risk-return Principle
(C) Marginal Principle
(D) All the above
17. The term financial engineering is related to
(A) Cost of production
(B) Financial restructuring
(C) Product planning
(D) Capital issue
18. Value of the merged firm shall be
(A) Less than the acquired firm
(B) More than the acquirer
(C) Greater than the target and the acquirer
(D) None of the above
19. When borrowing is less than equity, the company is said to be
(A) Trading on equity
(B) Trading on thick equity
(C) Trading on thin equity
(D) None of these
20. Match the following :
List – I List – II
(Types of Debt) (Elements)
I. Secured 1. Mortgage on
debt Assets
II. Unsecured 2. Non-mortgage
debt on Assets
III. Convertible 3. Option debt
IV. Redeemable 4. Payment
Codes :
(A) 1 3 2 4
(B) 2 1 3 4
(C) 3 1 4 2
(D) 1 2 3 4
21. It is a set of procedures and sources used by managers to obtain everyday information about developments in the marketing environment. It is known as --- B
(A) Internal Records System
(B) Marketing Intelligence System
(C) Marketing Research System
(D) Marketing Decision Support System
22. Match the List – I with List – II : --B
List – I List – II
(Stage of the (Marketing
product life strategy applied
cycle) in the stage of
the product life
I. Introduction 1. Market
Stage Modification
II. Growth 2. Rapid
Stage Skimming
III. Maturity 3. Enter New
Stage Market
IV. Decline 4. Continuation
Stage Strategy
Codes :
(A) 3 2 4 1
(B) 2 3 1 4
(C) 2 3 4 1
(D) 4 2 1 3
23. It has been described as a cluster of complementary goods and services that are closely related in the minds of consumers but are spread across a diverse set of industries. It is known as --- C
(A) Market Place
(B) Market Space
(C) Meta-Market
(D) Marketing Mix
24. Company’s ability to provide individually differentiated product for each consumer is called as -- C
(A) Digitalization
(B) Disintermediation
(C) Customization
(D) Connectivity
25. The qualitative value of an exposure through a given medium is related to
(A) Reach
(B) Frequency
(C) Impact
(D) All of the above
26. When work stations are arranged according to the progressive steps by which the product is produced, it is called a --A
(A) Functional layout
(B) Process layout
(C) Job shop layout
(D) Product layout
27. If for a demand process suited to a = 0.1 we try to fit a forecasting procedure with a = 0.3, the forecast will
(A) Show large swings up and down
(B) Follow the demand better, consequently reducing forecast errors
(C) Show a pronounced behaviour
(D) None of the above
28. CRAFT considers exchanges of
locations for those departments
(A) have the same area
(B) have a common border
(C) either (A) or (B)
(D) have same costs per unit of
29. If the ordering costs are
over-estimated by 50 percent and
carrying costs are under-estimated
by 50 percent, the total annual cost
will exceed the optimum cost by
(A) 73.2 per cent
(B) 50 per cent
(C) 0 per cent
(D) 150 per cent
30. PERT/CPM network analysis can be
used for --- C
(A) Project appraisal
(B) Project implementation
(C) Project monitoring and control
(D) All of the above
2 1 1
31. If P(A) = 3 , P(B) = 2 , P(A/B) = 3 ,
then the value of P(B/A) is
(A) 1
(B) 1
32. The level of significance is the
probability of committing the
(A) Type I error
(B) Type II error
(C) Standard error
(D) Probable error
33. The two lines of regression are
3x + 2y = 26 and 6x + y = 31 then
the mean of x is
(A) 3 (B)
(C) 6 (D)
34. For which distribution(s) Mean and
Median are equal ?
(i) Binomial Distribution;
(ii) Poisson Distribution;
(iii) Exponential Distribution; or
(iv) Normal Distribution
Codes :
(A) (i)
(B) (ii)
(C) (i) & (iii)
(D) (ii) & (iv)
35. The type of transmission channel
which can transmit data in one
direction only is known as
(A) Simplex
(B) Half Duplex
(C) Full Duplex
(D) Half Simplex
36. Eliminate – reduce – raise – create
grid is germane to --- B
(A) Competitive Strategy
(B) Blue Ocean Strategy
(C) Red Ocean Strategy
(D) None of the above
37. Match the following :
List – I List – II
I. Ansoff 1. Case
II. C.K. Prahlad 2. Management
by Objectives
III. Peter F. 3. Cascade
Drucker Approach
IV. Alfred 4. Structure
Chandler follows
Codes :
(A) 1 3 2 4
(B) 2 3 1 4
(C) 3 1 2 4
(D) 4 2 3 1
38. Growth strategy requires that a firm should
(A) realign its product market environment
(B) acquire new firm
(C) go for new product development
(D) expand the market
39. Michael Porter’s five forces model belongs to ---D
(A) Planning School
(B) Positioning School
(C) Cognitive School
(D) Competitive Strategy School
40. The theory of business of an organization is embodied in
(A) Vision
(B) Mission Statement
(C) Objectives
(D) Policies
41. Service Sector is also called ---C
(A) Primary Sector
(B) Secondary Sector
(C) Tertiary Sector
(D) None of the above
42. The definition of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in India is based on
(A) Total Sales of the Unit
(B) Investment in machines and equipments
(C) Market coverage
(D) Export capacity
43. Which one of the following agencies has the power to declare any industrial unit as a potentially sick unit ? --a
44. The headquarters of the SIDBI is in --B
(A) Mumbai
(B) Lucknow
(C) New Delhi
(D) Hyderabad
45. In MSMED Act, 2006, the investment limit for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises have been prescribed as
(A) ` 10 lakhs, ` 5 crores and ` 10 crores
(B) ` 5 lakhs, ` 1 crore and ` 10 crores
(C) ` 5 lakhs, ` 1 crore and ` 5 crores
(D) ` 10 lakhs, ` 10 crores and ` 15 crores
46. The study of moral principles or values that determine whether actions are right or wrong and
outcomes are good or bad refers to following :
(A) Quality (B) Ethics
(C) Opinions (D) Controls
47. Match List – I with List – II :
List – I List – II
(Terms (Conceptual
relating to description of
Ethics) terms relating to
I. Ethical 1. Each society’s
Climate view of ethics
must be
legitimate and
II. Ethical 2. There are basic
Relativism moral principles
that transcend
cultural and
III. Ethical 3. People pick-up
Universalism subtle hints and
clues that tell
them what
behaviour is
approved and
what is
IV. Ethical 4. There are grow-
Convergence ing pressures on
business to
follow the same
rules in managing
ethical behaviour
and social
Codes :
(A) 3 1 2 4
(B) 1 3 2 4
(C) 1 4 3 2
(D) 4 1 2 3
48. An organization’s moral obligation toward all of its stakeholders is referred as following :
(A) Value in workplace
(B) Corporate social responsibility
(C) Ethical behaviour
(D) Professionalism
49. ________is the manager’s dilemma when he has to decide on the commercial proposal submitted by his son.
(A) Favouritism
(B) Moral Dilemma
(C) Conflict of Interest
(D) None of the above
50. “Make use of paper bags instead of plastic bags.” It is related to --
(A) Environmental Ethics
(B) Green Marketing
(C) Socially Responsible Marketing
(D) Social Marketing
(A) 0
(B) 1.0
(C) 1.5
(D) 2.0
2. Price taker firms
(A) Advertise to increase the demand for their product
(B) Do not advertise, because most advertising is wasteful.
(C) Do not advertise because they can sell as much as they want at the current price.
(D) Who advertise will get more profits than those who do not.
3. OPEC is an example of the type
of producer’s organisation known as a
(A) Marketing Board
(B) Producer’s Co-operative
(C) Trust
(D) Cartel
4. Match the following : ----D
List – I List – II
I. Responsiveness 1. Income
of demand to elasticity
change in price of demand
II. Responsiveness 2. Price
of demand to elasticity
change in tastes of demand
III. Responsiveness 3. Cross
of demand to elasticity
change in of demand
IV. Responsiveness 4. Taste
of demand to elasticity
change in price of demand
of related goods
Codes :
(A) 1 2 3 4
(B) 4 3 1 2
(C) 3 4 2 1
(D) 2 4 1 3
5. Opportunity costs are also known as ---C
(A) Spill-over costs
(B) Money costs
(C) Alternative costs
(D) Sunk costs
6. Employees with high self-esteem set --
(A) higher goals for others
(B) higher goals for themselves and lower goals for others
(C) higher goals for themselves
(D) None of the above
7. Need for achievement goes with ---D
(A) F.W. Taylor
(B) Hertzberg
(C) McGregor
(D) McClelland
8. An organizational memory includes the following except
(A) Information that employees possess
(B) Knowledge embedded in the organisation’s systems and structures
(C) Documents
(D) Knowledge that is not documented
9. People should be held accountable for their own behaviour, and if holding people accountable for their own behaviour entails capital punishment, then so be it. However, no person should be held accountable for behaviour of others over which he or she had no control.
Which of the following is the most logical conclusion of the argument above ?
(A) People should not be held accountable for the behaviour of other people.
(B) People have control over their behaviour.
(C) People cannot control the behaviour of other people.
(D) Behaviour that cannot be controlled should not be punished.
10. Nominal group technique is
(A) a consensus planning tool, generally used by groups to discuss, debate and decide on issues of strength-identification, problems and solutions.
(B) a consensus planning tool to arrive at decisions on issues, for instance man-power requirement, by involving group of experts through blind rounds of communication
(C) a majority based decision making tool
(D) None of the above
11. Which pattern reflects a pure executive form of management ? --B
(A) Functional
(B) Line
(C) Line and Staff
(D) Committee
12. “A place for everything, everything in its place” is
(A) American Management
(B) 5s Practice
(C) Peter Principle
(D) A Chinese Practice
13. ‘Appreciative Enquiry’ is
(A) Psychological Theory
(B) Training Method
(C) Business etiquette
(D) HR Quality
14. Robert Keplan is associated with --B
(A) A Benchmark Practice
(B) Balanced Score Card
(C) Kaizen
(D) Quality of Life
15. Strategic Intent of an Organization should clearly spell out ---D
(A) Who we are
(B) Where are we going in the long term
(C) How will we measure the performance
(D) All of the above
16. In an endeavour to maximize corporate value, a finance manager has to factor in the following
(A) Optimization Principle
(B) Risk-return Principle
(C) Marginal Principle
(D) All the above
17. The term financial engineering is related to
(A) Cost of production
(B) Financial restructuring
(C) Product planning
(D) Capital issue
18. Value of the merged firm shall be
(A) Less than the acquired firm
(B) More than the acquirer
(C) Greater than the target and the acquirer
(D) None of the above
19. When borrowing is less than equity, the company is said to be
(A) Trading on equity
(B) Trading on thick equity
(C) Trading on thin equity
(D) None of these
20. Match the following :
List – I List – II
(Types of Debt) (Elements)
I. Secured 1. Mortgage on
debt Assets
II. Unsecured 2. Non-mortgage
debt on Assets
III. Convertible 3. Option debt
IV. Redeemable 4. Payment
Codes :
(A) 1 3 2 4
(B) 2 1 3 4
(C) 3 1 4 2
(D) 1 2 3 4
21. It is a set of procedures and sources used by managers to obtain everyday information about developments in the marketing environment. It is known as --- B
(A) Internal Records System
(B) Marketing Intelligence System
(C) Marketing Research System
(D) Marketing Decision Support System
22. Match the List – I with List – II : --B
List – I List – II
(Stage of the (Marketing
product life strategy applied
cycle) in the stage of
the product life
I. Introduction 1. Market
Stage Modification
II. Growth 2. Rapid
Stage Skimming
III. Maturity 3. Enter New
Stage Market
IV. Decline 4. Continuation
Stage Strategy
Codes :
(A) 3 2 4 1
(B) 2 3 1 4
(C) 2 3 4 1
(D) 4 2 1 3
23. It has been described as a cluster of complementary goods and services that are closely related in the minds of consumers but are spread across a diverse set of industries. It is known as --- C
(A) Market Place
(B) Market Space
(C) Meta-Market
(D) Marketing Mix
24. Company’s ability to provide individually differentiated product for each consumer is called as -- C
(A) Digitalization
(B) Disintermediation
(C) Customization
(D) Connectivity
25. The qualitative value of an exposure through a given medium is related to
(A) Reach
(B) Frequency
(C) Impact
(D) All of the above
26. When work stations are arranged according to the progressive steps by which the product is produced, it is called a --A
(A) Functional layout
(B) Process layout
(C) Job shop layout
(D) Product layout
27. If for a demand process suited to a = 0.1 we try to fit a forecasting procedure with a = 0.3, the forecast will
(A) Show large swings up and down
(B) Follow the demand better, consequently reducing forecast errors
(C) Show a pronounced behaviour
(D) None of the above
28. CRAFT considers exchanges of
locations for those departments
(A) have the same area
(B) have a common border
(C) either (A) or (B)
(D) have same costs per unit of
29. If the ordering costs are
over-estimated by 50 percent and
carrying costs are under-estimated
by 50 percent, the total annual cost
will exceed the optimum cost by
(A) 73.2 per cent
(B) 50 per cent
(C) 0 per cent
(D) 150 per cent
30. PERT/CPM network analysis can be
used for --- C
(A) Project appraisal
(B) Project implementation
(C) Project monitoring and control
(D) All of the above
2 1 1
31. If P(A) = 3 , P(B) = 2 , P(A/B) = 3 ,
then the value of P(B/A) is
(A) 1
(B) 1
32. The level of significance is the
probability of committing the
(A) Type I error
(B) Type II error
(C) Standard error
(D) Probable error
33. The two lines of regression are
3x + 2y = 26 and 6x + y = 31 then
the mean of x is
(A) 3 (B)
(C) 6 (D)
34. For which distribution(s) Mean and
Median are equal ?
(i) Binomial Distribution;
(ii) Poisson Distribution;
(iii) Exponential Distribution; or
(iv) Normal Distribution
Codes :
(A) (i)
(B) (ii)
(C) (i) & (iii)
(D) (ii) & (iv)
35. The type of transmission channel
which can transmit data in one
direction only is known as
(A) Simplex
(B) Half Duplex
(C) Full Duplex
(D) Half Simplex
36. Eliminate – reduce – raise – create
grid is germane to --- B
(A) Competitive Strategy
(B) Blue Ocean Strategy
(C) Red Ocean Strategy
(D) None of the above
37. Match the following :
List – I List – II
I. Ansoff 1. Case
II. C.K. Prahlad 2. Management
by Objectives
III. Peter F. 3. Cascade
Drucker Approach
IV. Alfred 4. Structure
Chandler follows
Codes :
(A) 1 3 2 4
(B) 2 3 1 4
(C) 3 1 2 4
(D) 4 2 3 1
38. Growth strategy requires that a firm should
(A) realign its product market environment
(B) acquire new firm
(C) go for new product development
(D) expand the market
39. Michael Porter’s five forces model belongs to ---D
(A) Planning School
(B) Positioning School
(C) Cognitive School
(D) Competitive Strategy School
40. The theory of business of an organization is embodied in
(A) Vision
(B) Mission Statement
(C) Objectives
(D) Policies
41. Service Sector is also called ---C
(A) Primary Sector
(B) Secondary Sector
(C) Tertiary Sector
(D) None of the above
42. The definition of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in India is based on
(A) Total Sales of the Unit
(B) Investment in machines and equipments
(C) Market coverage
(D) Export capacity
43. Which one of the following agencies has the power to declare any industrial unit as a potentially sick unit ? --a
44. The headquarters of the SIDBI is in --B
(A) Mumbai
(B) Lucknow
(C) New Delhi
(D) Hyderabad
45. In MSMED Act, 2006, the investment limit for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises have been prescribed as
(A) ` 10 lakhs, ` 5 crores and ` 10 crores
(B) ` 5 lakhs, ` 1 crore and ` 10 crores
(C) ` 5 lakhs, ` 1 crore and ` 5 crores
(D) ` 10 lakhs, ` 10 crores and ` 15 crores
46. The study of moral principles or values that determine whether actions are right or wrong and
outcomes are good or bad refers to following :
(A) Quality (B) Ethics
(C) Opinions (D) Controls
47. Match List – I with List – II :
List – I List – II
(Terms (Conceptual
relating to description of
Ethics) terms relating to
I. Ethical 1. Each society’s
Climate view of ethics
must be
legitimate and
II. Ethical 2. There are basic
Relativism moral principles
that transcend
cultural and
III. Ethical 3. People pick-up
Universalism subtle hints and
clues that tell
them what
behaviour is
approved and
what is
IV. Ethical 4. There are grow-
Convergence ing pressures on
business to
follow the same
rules in managing
ethical behaviour
and social
Codes :
(A) 3 1 2 4
(B) 1 3 2 4
(C) 1 4 3 2
(D) 4 1 2 3
48. An organization’s moral obligation toward all of its stakeholders is referred as following :
(A) Value in workplace
(B) Corporate social responsibility
(C) Ethical behaviour
(D) Professionalism
49. ________is the manager’s dilemma when he has to decide on the commercial proposal submitted by his son.
(A) Favouritism
(B) Moral Dilemma
(C) Conflict of Interest
(D) None of the above
50. “Make use of paper bags instead of plastic bags.” It is related to --
(A) Environmental Ethics
(B) Green Marketing
(C) Socially Responsible Marketing
(D) Social Marketing
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