HRM Multiple choice questions 2

26. Effective supervision is an activity of:
(a) Organization function
(b) Staffing function
(c) Direction function
(d) Control function
Ans. (c)
27. it is the value assigned to the expected benefits for desirable national gains:
(a) Cost price
(b) Shadow price
(c) Real price
(d) Opportunity cost
Ans. (b)
28. Effective leadership behaviour is a result of following variable:
(a) Structure
(b) Consideration
(c) Environment
(d) All of these
Ans. (d)
29. Structure variable is synonymous with:
(a) Task
(b) Relations
(b) Style
(d) Attitude
Ans. (a)
30. Consideration is synonymous with:
(a) Task
(b) Relations
(c) Style
(d) Attitude
Ans. (b)
31. Match the following:
List-I List-II
A. Fayol 1. Economy and Society
B. Taylor 2. General and Industrial Administration
C. Weber 3. Principles of Organization
D. Mooney and Reilley 4. Shop Management
Select the correct code:
(a) 3 4 1 2
(b) 2 4 1 3
(c) 1 3 2 4
(d) 4 3 2 1
Ans. (b)
32. The main focus of the Human Relations Theory is on:
(a) Formal organization
(b) Informal organization
(c) Individual
(d) Participatory decision making
Ans. (c)
33. Cross elasticity of complementary goods is:
(a) Negative
(b) Zero
(c) High
(d) Infinite
Ans. (a)
34. Managerial Grid suggests the following as the best leader-behaviour:
(a) Low structure and low consideration
(b) High concern both for production and people
(c) Low concern both for production and people
(d) High structure and high consideration
Ans. (b)
35. Henri Fayol supports the:
(a) Humanistic approach
(b) Mechanistic approach
(c) Organic approach
(d) Scientific approach
Ans. (b)
36. A statistical measure based upon the entire population is called parameter while measure based upon a sample is known as:
(a) Sample parameter
(b) Inference
(c) Statistic
(d) None of these
Ans. (c)
37. Who is regarded as the Father of Scientific Social Surveys?
(a) Darwin
(b) Best
(c) Marx
(d) Angels
Ans. (b)
38. The process not needed in experimental research is:
(a) Observation
(b) Controlling
(c) Manipulation and replication
(d) Reference collection
Ans. (d)
39. Generalized conclusion on the basis of a sample is technically known as
(a) Statistical inference of external validity of the research
(b) Data analysis and interpretation
(c) Parameter inference
(d) All of the above
Ans. (a)
40. A researcher divides his population into certain groups and fixed the size of the sample from each group. It is called:
(a) Stratified sample
(b) Quota sample
(c) Cluster sample
(d) All of the above
Ans. (b)
41. All causes non-sampling errors except:
(a) Faculty tool of measurement
(b) Inadequate sample
(c) Non-response
(d) Defect in data collection
Ans. (b)
42. Managerial decision-making refers to:
(a) Programmed decisions
(b) Unprogrammed decisions
(c) Information system
(d) Operation research
Ans. (b)
43. Fixed asset file management procedures are not. required for:
(a) Carrying out fixed asset physical inventory taking
(b) Processing fixed asset purchase
(c) Estimating e.g. fire insurance requirements
(d) All of the above
Ans. (c)
44. If the reference for arbitration is for even number of arbitrators, they have;
(a) Power to increase, the number
(b) Power to appoint an umpire
(c) Power to decrease the number
(d) None of the above
Ans. (b)
45. Public sector consists of those enterprises in which the state owns:
(a) 50% of the capital
(b) 66% of the capital
(c) 5% of the capital
(d) 100% of the capital
Ans. (d)
46. F. W. Taylor called “the Military type of foreman” to:
(a) Span of control
(b) Unity of command
(c) Department
(d) Delegated legislature
Ans. (b)
47. Scientific management addresses itself to the problems of:
(a) Middle tier of management
(b) Top management
(c) Lower tier of organization
(d) None of the above
Ans. (c)
48. The managers did not like the scientific management theory because:
(a) They felt that the workers were given undue importance in the theory
(b) It reduced managerial remuneration
(c) They felt that it had the effect of giving away more wages to the workers
(d) They felt that the rigid scientific methods look away their managerial freedom in decision-making
Ans. (d)
49. Who is known as father of scientific management?
(a) Henry Fayol
(b) Herbert Spencer
(c) Hertzberg
(d) F. W. Taylor
Ans. (d)
50. The idea that all the units of an organization should be integrated under the authority of one- head had been interpreted as:
(a) Span of control
(b) Delegated legislation
(c) Unity of command
(d) Hierarchical system
Ans. (c)


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