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UGC NET Management Examination Preparation Strategy

You need to quickly pick the important concepts from various subjects. Pick a standard text book from each subject and go through the Summary from each unit 1)Economics - 2)Management 3)Organization Behavior- Stephen P.Robbins 4)HRM- P.Subba Rao 5)Financial Management - Prasanna Chandra or I.M.Ponday 6)Marketing Management - Philip Kotler 7)Production Management  8)Operations Research 9)Statistics for Management 10)Research Methodology - Kotari 11)Entrepreneur Development - Vasant Desai 12)Business Ethics 13)Strategic Management - Ramaswamy and Namakumari 14)International Business 15)Management Information Systems 16)IT applications for Management - Turban,Potter,Rainer

UGC NET Management Dec 2012

1. The term Opportunity Cost refers to (A) Variable Cost (B) Short-run cost (C) The cost forgone in favour of production of another product (D) Cost related to an optimum level of production 2. If two commodities are complementary, then a rise in the price of one commodity will induce (A) A rise in the price of the other commodity (B) An upward shift of demand curve (C) No shift in demand for the other commodity (D) A backward shift in demand for the other commodity 3. What is the characteristic of a purelcompetitive market ? --A (A) Large number of buyers and sellers (B) A few sellers (C) A few buyers (D) Abnormal profit 4.Willingness to pay minus actual payment is called (A)Consumer’s surplus (B)Producer’s surplus (C)Utility cost (D)Supplier’s surplus 5. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists : List – I List – II...

UGC NET Management June 2012

(1)Cardinal measure of utility is required in (A) Utility Theory (B) Indifference Curve Analysis (C)Revealed Preference (D) Inferior Goods 2. Right-ward shift in Demand Curve indicates (A) A decrease in supply (B) An increase in quantity supplied (C) An increase in supply over the previous year (D) Law of Variable Proportions 3.Which of the following is the condition for equilibrium for Monopolist ? (A) MR = MC (B) MC = AR (C)MR = MC = Price (D)AC = AR (5)Giffen goods are those goods (A) for which demand increases as price decreases (B) which are in short supply (C)which have high elasticity of demand (D) which gives rise to a Cob-Web situation. 5. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists. List – I List – II (Demand (Steps involved) Estimation Method) (a) Customer 1. Consumers Interview Interview Method (b) Market 2. Time series Experiment or Cross Method Section Data...

UGC NET Management Dec 2011

1. Consider a demand curve which takes the form of a straight-line cutting both axes. Elasticity at the mid-point of the line would be ---A (A) 0 (B) 1.0 (C) 1.5 (D) 2.0 2. Price taker firms (A) Advertise to increase the demand for their product (B) Do not advertise, because most advertising is wasteful. (C) Do not advertise because they can sell as much as they want at the current price. (D) Who advertise will get more profits than those who do not. 3. OPEC is an example of the type of producer’s organisation known as a (A) Marketing Board (B) Producer’s Co-operative (C) Trust (D) Cartel 4. Match the following : ----D List – I List – II I. Responsiveness 1. Income of demand to elasticity change in price of demand II. Responsiveness 2. Price of demand to elasticity change in tastes of demand III. Responsiveness 3. Cross of demand to elasticity change in of demand income IV. Responsiveness 4. Taste of demand to elasticity change in price of demand of related...

UGC NET Management June 2011

1. In the case of an inferior commodity, the income elasticity of demand is--C (A) Positive (B) Unitary (C) Negative (D) Infinity 2. The slope of the iso-cost line determined by--A (A)Prices of the two factors (B) Productivity of the two factors (C)Degree of substitutability of the two factors (D) None of these 3. Which one of the following statements is correct or more nearly correct ? ---D (A) An increase in the price of commodity represents a fall in its value (B) Value has nothing to with the price (C)If the price of a commodity falls, its value relative other goods does not change (D) The price of a good is value measured in terms of money 4. The important macro-economic aggregates are ---D (A) Aggregate Consumption (B) Gross Domestic Capital Formation (C) Gross D...

UGC NET Management Dec 2010

1)Under perfect competition in the long run A)All firms earn normal profits 2)If there is a single buyer it is called---Monopsony 3)Communication can be--Both oral and written 4)What are the operative functions of HRM? Organizing,Directing,Controlling 5)Which one is not a performance appraisal method--Balance score card 6)Selection of persons in an organization is the responsibilty of --Personnel dept 7)Labour welfare facilities were incorporated in which legislation?Factories act 8)Job analysis involves-Job description and job specification 9)Which one of the following represents number of years required to recover the initial investment-Payback period 10)Which of the following is not the element of promotion mix-Place (Correct is Advertising, Personal selling, Publicity ) 11)If a company uses its company name for its entire range of products offered, then it is called- Product line branding 12)Fixed position layout is used when--The operations requires heavy tools and equipment 13)Fi...

HRM Multiple choice questions 2

26. Effective supervision is an activity of: (a) Organization function (b) Staffing function (c) Direction function (d) Control function Ans. (c) 27. it is the value assigned to the expected benefits for desirable national gains: (a) Cost price (b) Shadow price (c) Real price (d) Opportunity cost Ans. (b) 28. Effective leadership behaviour is a result of following variable: (a) Structure (b) Consideration (c) Environment (d) All of these Ans. (d) 29. Structure variable is synonymous with: (a) Task (b) Relations (b) Style (d) Attitude Ans. (a) 30. Consideration is synonymous with: (a) Task (b) Relations (c) Style (d) Attitude Ans. (b) 31. Match the following: List-I List-II A. Fayol 1. Economy and Society B. Taylor 2. General and Industrial Administration C. Weber 3. Principles of Organization D. Mooney and Reilley 4. Shop Management...

HRM Multiple choice questions 1

HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT:MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 1. The motion of men implicit in the classical theory lends to generate a kind of employee psyche, which may be described as: (a) Self-development oriented (b) Aggressive (c) Submissive (d) Deficiency-oriented Ans. (c) 2. Who described the phenomenon that each employee engaged in a staff function creates work for his colleagues: (a) W. Wilson (b) Parkinson (c) D. Waldo (d) Creep Ans. (b) 3. Theory is the formulation of universal principles of organization: (a) Classical Tory (b) Human Relation Theory (c) Bureaucratic Theory (d) Scientific Management Ans. (a) 4. “Grapevine” is a term used in relation to: (a) Formal communication (b) Informal communication (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) This term is not used in relation to communication Ans. (b) 5. The authoritarian leadership style goes with: (a) Theory X (b) Theory Y (c) Theory Z (d) None of these Ans. (a) 6. Which of the following will tend to raise the market rate of interest in the long...

Question Bank 15

1)When average cost is at its minimum then---- Marginal cost is less than average cost 2)The term opportunity cost refers to -- Cost of one product in terms of production of others forgone 3)Monopolist can decide -- Price 4)The concept of task oriented and people oriented leadership was developed by--- Blake and Mouton 5)A broad statement of the purpose,duties and responsibilities of a job or position may be referred to as JOB DESCRIPTION 6)BARS stand for Behaviourally anchored rating scales 7)The wage which has to be paid by an employer to his workers irrespective of his ability is known as MINIMUM PAGE 8)Interest is paid on a deep discount bond --AT THE END OF LIFE OF BOND 9)Liberal credit policy may enhance the sales but will lead to INCREASE IN BAD DEBTS 10)Marketing myopia the tendency of firms is to take a -- NARROW VIEW OF THE MARKET 11)Green marketing principles relates to -- SOCIAL MARKETING ENVIRONMENT 12)In the law of variable proportions phase two indicates DIMINISHING RET...

Question Bank 14

26. The Modern Theory is also called the: (a) System Analysis of Organizations (b) Human Relations Theory (b) Mechanistic Theory (d) Structural Theory Ans. (a) 27. Sales invoicing is a: (a) Pre-sales activity (b) Job of finance department (c) Post-sales activity (d) All of the above. Ans. (a) 28. Managerial decision-making refers to: (a) Programmed decisions (b) Unprogrammed decisions (c) Information system (d) Operation system Ans. (b) 29. Which of the following statement is true? (a) Authority can not be delegated, but responsibility can be delegated (b) Both authority and responsibility can be delegated (c) Authority ca only be delegated (d) Responsibility can only be delegated Ans. (a) 30. Dynamic factors in trade theory refer to change in: (a) Factor endowments (b) Technology (c) Tastes (d) All of the above Ans. (d) 31. The classical theory of organizations manifest following certain features which are: (i) Impersonality (ii) Division of work (iii) Hierarchy (iv) Efficiency (a) (i...

Question Bank 13

1. Data collection terminals gather data for use by the: (a) Inventory subsystem (b) Cost subsystem (c) Production subsystem (d) All of the above Ans. (d) 2. Average inventory level is educed by: (a) Decreasing the vender lead time (b) Increasing the usage rate (c) Decreasing the order quantity (d) Lowering the reorder point Ans. (c) 3. Below are given four different theories: (1) Trait approach (ii) Attitude criterion (iii) Behaviour approach (iv) Situational approach These are identified with: (a) Administrative behaviour (b) Organizational behaviour (c) Leadership index (d) Administrative approaches Ans. (c) 4. The manager of inventory would most likely be found in the: (a) Finance function (b) Marketing function (c) Manufacturing function (d) Information system function Ans. (c) 5. Focus on Social Environment is related to: (a) Unity of Command (b) Human Relations (c) Unity of Direction (d) Delegation Ans. (b) 6. Section 16 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 prohibits a person: (...

Question Bank 12

26. A long run analysis of production is called: (a) Economies of scale (b) Law of variable proportion (c) Law of increasing returns (d) Law of returns to scale Ans. (d) 27. Which of the following persons is engaged in “secondary production”? 1. A brick layer 2. An automobile assembly-line worker 3. An accountant 4. A cinema projectionist (a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2 only (c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 Ans. (b) 28. Rectangular hyperbola is the shape of: (a) TFC (b) AFC (c) FC (d) MC Ans. (b) 29. Assertion (A): A tenet of scientific management is co-operation and harmony between workers and managers. Reason (R): Taylor believed in participative management. In the context of the above two statements which one of the following is correct? Codes: (a) A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A. (b) A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A. (c) A is true but R is false. (d) A is false but R is true. Ans. (c) 30. Which of the following are the Mechanisms of the Sci...

Question Bank 11

1. OPEC is an example of the type of producer’s organization known as a: (a) Marketing Board (b) Producer’s Cooperative (c) Trust (d) Cartel Ans. (d) 2. TQM’s major emphasis is on (a) Product quality (b) Company profitability (c) Customer delight (d) Employee training Ans. (a) 3. Assertion (A): Effective motivation is moderated by organizational complexity and conflicts. Reason (R): An Individual’s motives may be complex and conflicting. Codes: (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A. (b) Both A and R are true but R is not a correct explanation of A. (c) A is true but R is false. (d) A is false but R is true. Ans. (d) 4. Match the following: List-I List-II A Classical 1. Fact-orientation B Human Relations 2. Environment C Behavioural 3. Structure D Systems 4. Informal organization 5. Incentives to work Codes: A B C D...